USG Staff Council Initiatives
Here are some of the initiatives the USG Staff Council is currently undertaking:
New Meeting Schedule
Historically the USG Staff Council has met 4 times per year (including the annual conference). There are now regular meetings to coincide with the 正版bbin平台下载 of Regents meeting schedule and regular updates to highlight the top takeaways from USGBOR meetings.
Universal Participation
The USGSC is currently working to ensure that all 26 USG institutions are represented on the council, helping to establish and support Staff Council organizations across the system.
Standardized Election Schedule
The USGSC is working to align the election cycles of all institutional Staff Councils with the fiscal year schedule (with all terms starting July 1).
Universal Executive Advisor
The USGSC is working to ensure that each institution’s Staff Council has an Executive Sponsor/Advisor (e.g. CHRO or VP).
New Foundation Account
Historically, USGSC’s foundation account transfers each year to the institution of the newly elected Treasurer. USGSC is transitioning to a USG Foundation Account so that funds no longer need to be transferred between institutions each year.
This year the USGSC has formed special committees to review and update the organization's bylaws and to create SOPs to help guide its member institutions. Additionally, the council seeks to establish a new Conference Committee to assist institutions that host the USGSC Annual Conference moving forward.