4.6 Award of Promotion
4.6 Award of Promotion
(Last Modified January 3, 2025) Report a broken link
All criteria and expectations for faculty performance, including the criteria for promotion to each rank, should be stated in writing and available in a faculty handbook posted on an institution’s website. These criteria and expectations must be consistent with all applicable 正版bbin平台下载 of Regents policies, including but not limited to those in the “Sources” list above. The BOR has set minimum criteria for promotion that must be met by all institutions. These minimum criteria, including specific degree requirements, vary across institutional sectors (see BoR Policy 8.3.6). Institutions can set additional standards and requirements above these minimum criteria.
Institutions must submit any updated tenure/promotion statuses for faculty to the Managed Faculty Events platform within OneUSG by June 30 of each year.
Faculty are eligible for and may be reviewed for promotion in rank 正版bbin平台下载 their fifth year of service in their current rank. If recommended for promotion, the new rank will go into effect at the beginning of their next contract period. Recommendations for promotion are not normally considered for individuals who are currently on leaves of absence.
Under special circumstances, faculty who are performing significantly above the expectations for their current rank may be considered for “early” promotion. At state universities and state colleges, “early” promotion may only be considered according to the following time table:
For early promotion from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer, faculty must have served a minimum of three years as a Lecturer
For early promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor, faculty must have served a minimum of three years as an Instructor
For early promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, faculty must have served a minimum of four years as an Assistant Professor
For early promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor, faculty must have served a minimum of four years as an Associate Professor
At research and comprehensive universities, faculty may be considered for “early” promotion with less than the required minimum years of service in rank listed above. However, these cases require strong justification and approval by the president.
4.6.1 Probationary Credit Towards Promotion
At the time of an individual’s initial appointment, a maximum of three years of probationary credit towards promotion may be awarded for service at other institutions or service in a faculty rank within the institution. In extraordinary cases, research and comprehensive universities may award more than three years of probationary credit at initial faculty appointments. Such awards require approval by the president and written notification to the USG Chief Academic Officer. Individuals serving in part-time, temporary, or limited term positions are not eligible for probationary credit towards promotion. Without the approval of the President, faculty given probationary credit towards promotion may not use their years of credit towards consideration for early promotion.
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